CCC Rally
This annual rally is in connection with the National Day to Prevent Teen Pregnancy. Our community gathers in an effort to begin the conversation about teen pregnancy prevention. This year we will break it down into education, prevention, and communication.
To EducateWe believe that education is key. One of the core values of the CCC is found in education of our clients to they may better themselves; this rally goes on to educate our community.
To PreventWe believe that technology is an asset to all causes, our promoted tool to our clients youth is the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy App.
To CommunicateWe believe that without communication none of our goals may be met. This rally is a time to communicate with fellow community members to better ourselves and the individuals around us.
Conway Cradle Care hosts an annual rally in connection with the National Day to Prevent Teen Pregnancy.
This year's rally date will be announced later. We will discuss tactics of education, prevention, and proper communication. .